Question 1: Entertainment & Food -- Brand New
Marlon Brando refused his Best Actor Oscar for The Godfather to protest Hollywood's treatment of what group?a) Blacks
b) Jews
c) Native Americans
d) Women
Question 2: History & Government -- Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free
What is the official name of the Statue of Liberty?a) France's Gift of Liberty
b) Freedom Prevails through the Land
c) The Land of the Free
d) Liberty Enlightening the World
Question 3: Math & Science -- Very, Very Frightening
Which clouds are most likely to produce thunderstorms?a) Cirrus
b) Cumulonimbus
c) Cumulus
d) Stratus
Question 4: Geography & Nature -- Intercontinental Neighbors
What is the only South American country that borders Central America?a) Colombia
b) Ecuador
c) Peru
d) Venezuela
Question 5: Literature & Arts -- His Evil Twin Was the Bad Black Bard
What author was known as the Good Gray Poet?a) Lord Byron
b) Walt Whitman
c) William Williams
d) William Wordsworth
Question 6: Sports & Games -- Only Baseball Allows Defense
What is the only major North American sports league whose All-Star game is played after the season instead of in the middle?a) Major League Baseball
b) National Basketball Association
c) National Football League
d) National Hockey League