Sunday, July 22, 2007

Chemical Reactions - Random Trivia Answers

  • A1) Ammonia. Each molecule of nitrogen combines with three molecules of hydrogen to create ammonia using iron as a catalyst.
  • A2) Water. Burning swamp gas produces harmless water and not-so-harmless carbon dioxide.
  • A3) Fermentation. With the help of yeast, you get potable alcohol. The carbon dioxide remains in bubbly champagne.
  • A4) Indigestion or ulcers. The basic calcium hydroxide neutralizes the hydrochloric acid in the stomach, producing harmless calcium chloride salt and water.
  • A5) Sulfur. Silver sulfide is to silver as rust is to iron.
  • A6) Vinegar. Acetic acid is the active ingredient in white vinegar.
  • A7) Potassium hydroxide. This caustic substance is hazardous to the lungs, eyes, and skin, so old batteries should be kept away from children and discarded carefully.
  • A8) Uranium. Uranium appears in nature combined as uranium halides, from which the radioactive element can be extracted with the help of calcium or aluminum powder.
  • A9) Aluminum oxide (a.k.a. alumina). The oxide is purified from the bauxite ore, which is often less than half pure.
  • A10) Titanium. M.A. Hunter created the first process in 1910 to extract titanium from the mineral rutile, and William J. Kroll invented his superior technique 30 years later. The Kroll process can also be used to obtain zirconium.
  • A11) Caffeine. These are all methods for decaffeinating coffee, and some are also used for tea.
  • A12) Zinc. Luigi Galvani initially used electricity to cause detached frogs' legs to twitch.

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