Saturday, November 24, 2007

Measure For Measure - Random Trivia Questions

In the U.S., we live in a pretty mixed up world. Milk is sold by the quart, half-gallon, and gallon, but soda usually comes in two-liter bottles. Food such as cereal is measured in ounces, but the nutrition facts are listed in milligrams and grams. Imperial units have no rhyme or reason anymore, but we're stuck with them for the foreseeable future. Nevertheless, the metric system, more formally the International System of Units (SI) since the 1960s, will eventually prevail as the U.S.'s portion of the world economy shrinks.

Measure For Measure Questions

  • Q1) Which is longer, an inch or 2 centimeters?
  • Q2) Which is longer, a yard or a meter?
  • Q3) Which is longer, a mile or 1,500 meters?
  • Q4) Which is larger, 10 square feet or a square meter?
  • Q5) Which is larger, an acre or a hectare?
  • Q6) Which is larger, a fluid ounce or 25 cubic centimeters?
  • Q7) Which is larger, a quart or a liter?
  • Q8) Which is heavier, an ounce or 25 grams (at standard temperature and pressure)?
  • Q9) Which is heavier, a ton or 1,000 kilograms (at standard temperature and pressure)?
  • Q10) At what temperature do the Fahrenheit and Celsius scales agree?
  • Q11) Which has more energy, a kilojoule or a British thermal unit (at standard temperature and pressure)?
  • Q12) Which is faster, a meter per second or a mile per hour?

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