Question 1,687: Entertainment & Food -- Second Hands
What singer joined Hands Across America after regretting her decision to turn down We Are the World?a) Barbra Streisand
b) Gloria Estefan
c) Janet Jackson
d) Whitney Houston
Question 1,688: History & Government -- Western Unionversity
Which Ivy League university was named for the founder and director of Western Union?a) Columbia
b) Cornell
c) Dartmouth
d) Princeton
Question 1,689: Math & Science -- Mother Earth's Mass
In 1798, which English scientist used a delicate torsion balance to "weigh the Earth"?a) Charles Wheatstone
b) Henry Cavendish
c) Robert Boyle
d) Robert Hooke
Question 1,690: Geography & Nature -- New York, New York
Which New York City borough below has the same name as the county it is in?a) Bronx
b) Brooklyn
c) Manhattan
d) Staten Island
Question 1,691: Literature & Arts -- Deco Turf
For what city's art exposition did the Art Deco style get its name?a) Milan
b) New York
c) Paris
d) San Francisco
Question 1,692: Sports & Games -- Balling in Bambiland
In what country did Bambiland, a 150-acre sports and recreation complex, open on July 5, 1999?a) Hungary
b) Netherlands
c) Sweden
d) Yugoslavia