Sunday, February 17, 2008

U.S. Presidents - Random Trivia Answers

  • A1) Theodore Roosevelt. In 1906, he was honored for his role in the Russo-Japanese War peace treaty.
  • A2) Warren Harding. His dedication of the Francis Scott Key Memorial was broadcast on June 14, 1922.
  • A3) Lyndon Johnson. He garnered an impressive 61.1% of the vote in 1964.
  • A4) William Taft. He took charge of the Supreme Court in 1921, eight years after his presidency ended.
  • A5) Franklin Roosevelt. His Douglas DC-4 was dubbed the "Sacred Cow".
  • A6) 4. The presidential capitals are Jackson (Mississippi), Jefferson City(Missouri), Lincoln (Nebraska), and Madison (Wisconsin).
  • A7) Bill Clinton. Clinton captured 43.0% of the vote in 1992 to George Bush's 37.4% (Ross Perot's 18.9% kept both far away from a majority), and 49.2% in 1996 to Bob Dole's 40.7% (Perot 8.4%).
  • A8) Jimmy Carter. He graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy with a Bachelor of Science degree in physics in 1946.
  • A9) Chester Garfield. He was born on November 19, 1831 in a 30-by-20-foot log cabin in Orange Township, Ohio. The first log cabin president was Andrew Jackson, born in Waxhaw, North Carolina on March 15, 1767.
  • A10) John Quincy Adams. John C. Calhoun was his Vice President during his two terms from 1817 to 1825.
  • A11) Millard Fillmore. The thirteenth U.S President was born on January 7, 1800. The last born in the 1700s was James Buchanan, two presidents later.
  • A12) John F. Kennedy. The thirty-fifth U.S. President was born on May 29, 1917. Four of the next five presidents were born after him.

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