Saturday, September 27, 2008

Things That Fall - Random Trivia Questions

In honor of change of season to autumn and the leaves that will be falling here soon (with a tip of the hat to the $100,000 Pyramid), this week's quiz features twelve Things That Fall. Try your best; you won't fall on your face, and you'll never fall out of favor with the Trivia Why's Guy (although a few comments every now and then would be appreciated).

Things That Fall Questions

  • Q1) How many different shapes fall in the video game Tetris?
  • Q2) What type of tree inspired Sir Isaac Newton to propose the theory of universal gravitation?
  • Q3) What country is home to the waterfall with the longest uninterrupted drop?
  • Q4) What is likely to happen if the barometric pressure drops rapidly?
  • Q5) What type of market does the Vanguard Group define as a "price decline of 20% or more over at least a two-month period"?
  • Q6) What do both houses of the Australian Parliament employ to time divisions (physically separating the members as a method of voting) and other procedures?
  • Q7) Who wrote the 1996 poetry collection Falling Up?
  • Q8) Where did the first steel roller coaster debut on June 14, 1959?
  • Q9) What is Hoba West?
  • Q10) In what country is Domino Day celebrated annually in mid-November?
  • Q11) How many total pins fall in a perfect game of 10-pin bowling?
  • Q12) In what 1994 movie did Charlie Sheen's character Richard 'Ditch' Brodie suspect foul play in the death of one of his customers?

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