Sunday, October 26, 2008

State Abbreviation Words - Random Trivia Answers

  • A1) Concorde (CO+NC+OR+DE). Aerospatiale-BAC Concorde manufactured only twenty of the jets and could not survive the negative publicity and subsequent reduction in flights following the September 11, 2001 attacks, ceasing operation in October 2003.
  • A2) Mandarin (MA+ND+AR+IN). It is the most popular primary language in the world.
  • A3) Alpaca (AL+PA+CA). Because of their smaller size, alpacas are not used as beasts of burden like their larger relatives are.
  • A4) Pascal (PA+SC+AL). The procedural programming language, named for French mathematician Blaise Pascal, was still popular in the mid-1980's, serving as the primary higher language for early Macintosh software development.
  • A5) Calamine (CA+LA+MI+NE). Calamine lotion helps prevent itching, prevents infections, and dries oozing wounds.
  • A6) Coma (CO+MA). Michael Crichton turned the story into a hit film with Michael Douglas the following year.
  • A7) Inky (IN+KY). "Inky" and his video game buddies Shadow ("Blinky"), Speedy ("Pinky"), and Pokey ("Clyde") have been chasing Pac-Man since 1980.
  • A8) Dwyane Wade (WA+DE). The Miami Heat guard stepped it up during the playoffs, capturing the Finals MVP award as his team won the championship.
  • A9) Ganymede (GA+NY+ME+DE). In Greek mythology, Zeus kidnapped the Trojan prince for being the handsomest man on the Earth and made him serve as a cupbearer.
  • A10) Condor (CO+ND+OR). The Andean condor and California Condor are the largest birds in the Americas.
  • A11) Scar (SC+AR). Simba's uncle causes Mufasa's death and scares the young lion into running away from his pride.
  • A12) Almond (AL+MO+ND). The cheap stuff used in most candy bars consists mostly of whipped sucrose and corn syrup.

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