Question 517: Entertainment & Food -- Burger Burg
In what city did James McLamore and David Edgerton open the first Burger King in 1954?a) Colorado Springs, Colorado
b) Indianapolis, Indiana
c) Miami, Florida
d) Sacramento, California
Question 518: History & Government -- Custer's Bluster
In which future U.S. state did Custer make his famous Last Stand?a) Montana
b) North Dakota
c) Oklahoma
d) Texas
Question 519: Math & Science -- Dream Discovery
What molecule's symmetrical structure did Fredrich A. Kekule discover in a dream in 1865?a) Ammonia
b) Benzene
c) Ozone
d) Water
Question 520: Geography & Nature -- Potato Place
What Kansas city's name means "potato" in the Kansa language?a) Abeline
b) Omaha
c) Topeka
d) Wichita
Question 521: Literature & Arts -- Drink to Think
What author confessed, "My stories written when sober are stupid"?a) Arthur Conan Doyle
b) Ernest Hemingway
c) F. Scott Fitzgerald
d) Leo Tolstoy
Question 522: Sports & Games -- Still Just a Hill
How tall is the pitcher's mound in Major League Baseball?a) 6 inches
b) 10 inches
c) 14 inches
d) 18 inches