Saturday, May 10, 2008

Bingo America - Random Trivia Questions

This week's random quiz comes from the March 31, 2008 episode (rebroadcast this week) of Bingo America (see my review). The match contained 23 questions, so skipping all of the even-numbered ones leaves the dozen you see (when a round runs long, questions switch format from short-answer to true-or-false [or multiple-choice with two choices]).

Bingo America Questions

  • Q1) What state is connected to New York by the Lincoln Tunnel?
  • Q2) What rule says, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"?
  • Q3) Which U.S. state is the largest cheese producer?
  • Q4) Before Steve Carell and Ed Helms wore ties on The Office, they were correspondents on what fake news show?
  • Q5) What daytime soap opera takes place in the fictional New England town of Harmony?
  • Q6) What sandwich spread is traditionally made from egg yolk, oil, and lemon juice?
  • Q7) Which actor was a carpenter before he took off on Millennium Falcon and Air Force One?
  • Q8) According to the Koran, Muslims are asked to make a pilgrimage to what Saudi Arabian city?
  • Q9) In 2006, Mel Gibson was pulled over for speeding on what famed California roadway?
  • Q10) What is the most powerful and only female piece in the game of chess?
  • Q11) True or False: Jennifer Love Hewitt is the inspiration for John Mayer's hit "Your Body Is a Wonderland".
  • Q12) True or False: Air Force One is the name of any plane the President flies on.

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