Saturday, May 24, 2008

The Joy of Trivia Review

NameThe Joy of Trivia
AuthorBernie Smith
Published1976 (first hardcover release)
Length344 Pages

Description: Bernie Smith casually presents a large number of factoids on a wide variety of subjects across a dozen thematic chapters plus a final "Etcetera, Etcetera, Etcetera" chapter. What makes this book remarkable is how well it has aged. Originally published 32 years ago (a 1983 update exists that I haven't read), many of the facts are either still true or are listed with the year the data is from. Surprisingly few of the tidbits present information that you would now flat out call "wrong".

Overall Format: The Joy of Trivia provides information in short paragraphs, most of which end with a wry joke or commentary to keep the mood light (Smith can be funny at times, but he's better at trivia than comedy).

Conclusion: The Joy of Trivia is an entertaining read whose content and tone bring you back to a time when the Women's Liberation was underway (but may not have reached the author yet) and technology was amazingly simple. Indeed an enjoyable read.

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