Sunday, November 30, 2008

Catch 21 - Random Trivia Answers

  • A1) A) Chignon. It's a roll of hair by the neck. A ganache is a type of icing, while an aperitif means an appetizer.
  • A2) B) Citizen Kane. Site and Sound concurs, ranking the movie #1 every decade from 1962 to 2002.
  • A3) B) Bob Dylan. The eleven-time Grammy winner earned a Special Citation for his "profound impact on popular music and American culture, marked by lyrical compositions of extraordinary poetic power" earlier this year.
  • A4) Tyra Banks. The Californian was also the first to grace the cover of GQ.
  • A5) C) Pees Outside. Kutcher and Moore, 15 years his senior, tied the knot on September 24, 2005.
  • A6) C) Dumped Water on Her Ex's Lawyer. She also shouted at Fiona Shackleton, "You're a traitor to your sex! How could you do this to another woman?" and other things that aren't repeatable here.
  • A7) A) Bob. In addition to being a singer, the Barbados native is also a model and fashion designer.
  • A8) C) Flying Fence Post. John Slattery's character lasted for most of the 2007 season before his unusual exit.
  • A9) A) Florentine. The second choice should have been the cooking term "julienne", not the female name.
  • A10) Samantha. PR agent Samantha Jones is a non-stop flirt who neither seeks nor offers commitment.
  • A11) B) Labrador Retriever. One contestant buzzed in before any choices were given, and just missed with "Golden Retriever".
  • A12) B) UFO. The Ohio representative joined other famous UFO sighters Jackie Gleason, Jimmy Carter, Muhammad Ali, and William Shatner.

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