Saturday, November 8, 2008

Lame Duck Soup - Random Trivia Questions

Technically, George W. Bush has been a lame duck president for his entire second term because the 22nd Amendment prohibits him from seeking office again. But colloquially, his real tenure as a fettered fowl began this week when Barack Obama was elected as the 44th President of the U.S.

How well can you play the lame game?

Lame Duck Soup Questions

  • Q1) For what stock exchange was the phrase "lame duck" coined?
  • Q2) What amendment to the U.S. Constitution is known as the "Lame Duck Amendment"?
  • Q3) What day of the year is known as Lame Duck Day?
  • Q4) One month before leaving office, what lame duck President appointed John Marshall as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court?
  • Q5) What President issued 140 pardons, including his half-brother Roger and Patty Hearst, shortly before leaving office?
  • Q6) What President spent his last hours in office trying to negotiate the release of hostages?
  • Q7) What President reluctantly created the U.S. Department of Labor only because he knew Woodrow Wilson was going to do it anyway?
  • Q8) In his final months, what President planned the Bay of Pigs invasion?
  • Q9) What President was accused of having had the same letter removed from every keyboard in the White House?
  • Q10) On his last day in office, what President annexed Texas from Mexico?
  • Q11) What President pardoned Tokyo Rose as one of his final acts?
  • Q12) What President created the United States Department of the Interior on his final day?

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