Monday, January 1, 2007

General Trivia Answers #1-6

Answer 1: Entertainment & Food -- Brand New

c) Native Americans

Bud convinced Sacheen Littlefeather to deliver his refusal speech at the ceremony, but the audience booed her off the stage.

Answer 2: History & Government -- Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free

d) Liberty Enlightening the World

Frederic Auguste Bartholdi sculpted the statue in France, and the 151-foot, 225-ton monument was dismantled and shipped to the U.S. in 350 pieces.

Answer 3: Math & Science -- Very, Very Frightening

b) Cumulonimbus

Nimbus clouds are the most likely to bring rain without thunder and lightning.

Answer 4: Geography & Nature -- Intercontinental Neighbors

a) Colombia

The former Spanish colony is also the only country on the continent that touches both the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea.

Answer 5: Literature & Arts -- His Evil Twin Was the Bad Black Bard

b) Walt Whitman

After being fired from his job at the Office of Indian Affairs, Whitman was defended by William O'Connor, who distributed a 46-page pamphlet bearing the nickname as its title.

Answer 6: Sports & Games -- Only Baseball Allows Defense

c) National Football League

The potential for injury is too high to risk playing the AFC-NFC Pro Bowl during the season, so the contest takes place at the Aloha Bowl in Hawaii each February.

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