Sunday, January 14, 2007

Happy Martin Luther King Day! (trivia questions)

Even if you're not in the United States of America, I hope you'll take a moment today to honor our inspirational civil rights leader. Today's special mini-quiz, given its specific nature, will probably be harder than most, but in the end you will have learned some things about a great man.

  • Q1) In what city was MLK born?
  • Q2) What denomination was the church that MLK was a minister in?
  • Q3) In the Gettysburg Address, Abraham Lincoln referred to an event "Four score and seven years ago". In his "I have a dream" speech, MLK used a similar phrase. How many score ago and what event?
  • Q4) Where did MLK deliver this speech?
  • Q5) How many times did MLK say the word "dream" in this speech? (Take the point if you're within two on either side and two points if you get it exactly.)
  • Q6) In what city was MLK murdered and by whom?

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